Volkswagen Bubba – construction

Construction of Teardrop camper

Accepted ideas are being transferred into physical products. VS Customs is assembling neccessary construction parts while Prodesign & Consulting is finishing up exterior design.

Designing Volkswagen Bubba

Decision is being made about car body and VS Customs is planning additional jobs which are needed for car body design.

Design of Teardrop camper

VS Customs and Prodesign & Consulting are working on complete visual identity. They are making decision about photos that will be on camper and elements layout (logo, contact information, etc).

Vision for Volkswagen Bubba

There are few sketches made for car and VS Customs is making decision about specifications car will have.Since car will be made from parts of older cars, VS Customs is making decisions about parts they need to purchase and making different sketches to ease up decision making process.


Vision for Teardrop camper

There are few sketches made for camper and VS Customs is making decision about specifications camper will have. Camper should be big enough to fit in few people and decision is being made about dimensions and features.

About us

After more than 12000 hours of work VS Customs certainly has experience and knowledge to ensure maximum pleasure for their  buyers with constructed vehicle, tuned vehicle or restored vehicle

Metal sculptures