Car construction

Process of car construction begins with collecting and manufacturing car parts. At the beginning phase, most important part is detailed check up on every car part so safety could be ensured. Using parts from old cars VS Customs makes positive influence on environment since they are reusing good parts instead throwing them on wastage. New parts are constructed in needed dimensions so there is positive influence on environments also – parts aren’t cut and thrown out. After VS Customs has all needed parts for car, assembling begins. At this phase it is most important to weld parts carefully and be precise when assembling them. Car construction needs experience, knowledge and skills that Siniša certainly has. Last phase includes vehicle lacquering so they look fresh and in wanted color.

When car is being constructed parts that are used are from old cars and new ones. Every buyer pays most attention at design so it is necessary to do everything according to buyer’s wishes. Process itself is divided into phases that are described below.

  • Understanding phase is beginning phase where wished specifications convert to first drawings.
  • Believing phase emphasizes vehicle esthetics so complete vehicle design is being made. It takes some time to balance vehicle form and functions.
  • Watching phase means that sketches are being converted into real products.
  • Validating phase is phase where buyer gives his opinion about vehicle design. Last phase is aerodynamics check where VS Customs checks vehicle functions.

Siniša is very successful in making interior and exterior design every buyer will certainly love.

About us

After more than 12000 hours of work VS Customs certainly has experience and knowledge to ensure maximum pleasure for their  buyers with constructed vehicle, tuned vehicle or restored vehicle

Metal sculptures